Industry Interests Group

NC ASA Industry Interests Group

NC ASA coordinates an Industry Interests Group (IIG) to further serve all members. The Industry Interests Group provides a forum for communication among members and with the NC ASA Executive Board, and provides a platform for organizing informal gatherings as well as professional events. Communication from the Executive Board would come quarterly. This would include the NC ASA newsletter and any notices and updates on events and opportunities within the statistics community that may be of particular interest to those in industry and government. Everyone interested is welcome to participate in the Industry Interests Group, regardless of ASA and/or NC ASA membership status. To become involved in NC ASA’s Industry Interests Group, contact NC ASA President Becky McNeil at

IIG members also have the opportunity to post job announcements to the publicly-viewable NC ASA Jobs and Events Board, which sends a notification email to over 470 members. In addition, IIG members can coordinate with the NC ASA Scholastic Council for internships, career fairs, etc. NC ASA holds an annual Career & Information Fair. 

Note: NC ASA does not endorse any specific organization or company, its financial interests, or its products.