
Professional Societies have many resources to offer students and young professionals and are a great way to network! 

NC ASA is an active Chapter with a vibrant community and is one of the largest chapters of the ASA.  Students receive substantially reduced memberships!
Consider joining NC ASA / ASA today!

Students should always feel welcome to join NC ASA Socials and other events.  A 2018 graduate stated:
"I ended up making a great connection with an ASA member at an NC ASA social event over the summer.  This person was very helpful to my job search.  I have accepted a job offer that seems like an ideal first full-time job out of grad school, in that I'll be working as a part of a team of statisticians.  I am excited to begin in the new year!"

NC ASA Student Opportunities and Initiatives

Student Travel Awards
NC ASA is pleased to announce our 2020 Student Travel Awards to support NC Statistics students in travel to North Carolina workshops and conferences. Check out our Student Travel Award page for information on how to apply. 

Professional Webinar Series
The NC ASA Webinar Series is developed to meet the professional development needs of our community.  The 2019 and 2020 webinar series feature presentations on Data Science, Machine Learning, and Bayesian Statistics. Check out our Webinars page for information on our presenters and links to watch past webinars on our YouTube Channel. 

NC ASA will be hosting a Career Fair and Recycled Poster Session Social in Spring 2020!  Check the Homepage for details.
NC ASA's Jobs and Events Board has NC job announcements and information on other organizations professional events to provide a permanent, easy-reference list.

NC ASA Pop-Up Socials and other Events
Check out our Homepage for the most up-to-date list of upcoming events. 

Read more about how NC ASA members have been getting involved in our Past Events page and our Blog Posts

The NC ASA has a Scholastic Council to facilitate communication and coordinate activities between the Chapter and North Carolina schools, colleges and universities.  Each institution is invited to have a Faculty Contact and a Student Representative on the council. 

Check out the ASA Leadership Catalogue for more opportunities:

NC ASA has multiple opportunities for Mentoring.  Past events include the 2018 Mentoring and Early Career Development Workshop (blog and pictures!) and Speed Mentoring events.  Feedback from these events:
-It was a great way to start thinking about my goals in a new way.  I highly enjoyed this workshop.
-I feel so much more confident in my future job and internship searches!

-helpful for learning pointers and planning out career paths

Look for more mentoring events soon!

NC ASA High School Outreach
Periodically the NC ASA has initiatives for High Schools.  Check out our High Schools for information on upcoming events.